Monday, January 3, 2011

MAS A G y G!

Que tal familia!
Este jardin nunca aparecia tan grande y tan hermoso!

Pensar que ahora llamarían a la abuelita jovencita.

Nacida para la cámara fotográfica.

Alli estan los dos.  Seguramente la foto fue tomada a pedido de Samuel.
(Y para mantener el tema de esta serie, Raquel se encuentra en esta foto -  adentro del auto!)
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  1. ...and Danny is coming down the steps. Dad is in the super beetle (72-73), and Tio Miguel's must be a 71. You can tell by the curved and flat windshields.

  2. Yeah, I wasn't sure if that was Dan or MAngel.
    Super Beetle - - huh.
    Here are some of the difference I remember:
    - it was German not Brazilian-manufactured
    - it was a "1303" not a "1300" on the lid over the engine
    - dash board was black vinyl instead of flat metal
    - tail lights were rounder and larger
    - gear shift stick was more elegant/larger

  3. SR just asked an important question - who coordinated the colour of the sky with the colour of the Beetles? Lima has never since seen such a sky.
